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Posts for December 2012

Murdo in May celebrates 20 year anniversary

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The annual Murdo in May event draws thousands of classic car enthusiasts from around the country. It takes place every spring but this year is extra special as it marks the 20th anniversary of the event.

The extravaganza begins Friday, May 25 and runs through the weekend. Events throughout the weekend include a free swap meet, car auction, car corral and show.

Visitors will also look forward to the car show. Attendance is free to enjoy food, music and trophies right on Main Street Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For more information call Barb at 605-699-2263

"The auction is a great time for anyone with an appreciation for, or interest in classic cars," said Dave Geisler, owner of Pioneer Auto Museum. "Best of all, it's free admission."

Pioneer Auto's swap is a free event that takes place all weekend long. There you will find a huge selection of cars, accessories and parts with items available from dealers.

The auction, which takes place on Saturday, May 26, will be operated by the McPherson Auction Co. out of Rapid City, SD. For more information call 1-800-685-1369.

Types of vehicles being auctioned include a 1942 Ford Super Deluxe, 1965 Chevrolet Nova and 1955 Pontiac Star Chief. It is muscle cars and rare vehicles like this that make Murdo in May such a destination point for collectors.

Last on the weekend agenda is the antique and collectibles sale, Sunday, May 27 at the Murdo Auditorium. For more information call Eckert Auction at 605- 843-2845.

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