Closed January and February. Opening March 1st

Posts for April 2019

Springtime Classic Car Maintenance

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The arrival of spring means many things to many people. For some, it means green grass, flowers in bloom, and the rebirth of leaves on the trees. For others, it means tan lines and lake days are just around the corner. But for some of us, it means one thing; it’s time to get that classic out of the garage! Yessir, she has sat there, idle for months, giving us those doe-like eyes with her headlights that practically plead for us to just give her key a turn, and perhaps a gentle step upon the throttle pedal. She has been so lonely out there, freezing her bumper off, with not so much as a refuel, or soft cloth ran along her fenders. But now, it’s time to rekindle your relationship, and give her all the love and attention she deserves!

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