Closed January and February. Opening March 1st

Pioneer Auto Show launches new website

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The World Famous Pioneer Auto Show has launched a new website and is home to some neat features. The new, easier to navigate, website was launched in June and is jam packed with everything you will need to know about how to make the most of your trip to the Pioneer Auto Show.

A revamped homepage puts all of the information you need right in your fingertips. It features a handful of the numerous classic cars that is housed at Pioneer Auto Show right away, drawing visitors in, as well as links to coupons, the kids’ scavenger hunt, and a virtual tour of the show. Everything you need to navigate is directly on the homepage, making it easy to find. Print off the coupons and scavenger hunt to bring with you when you come visit Pioneer Auto Show.

Pioneer Auto Show is home to over 275 classic cars, motorcycles, antiques, and memorabilia, which is also available to view on their website. Visitors to the website can view their entire vehicle and motorcycle inventory online, including the ever popular 1904 Holsman Model K. Other cars in their inventory are 1903 Ford Model A, 1914 Ford Model T Touring, 1929 Durant Coupe, 1936 Studebaker Dictator, 1947 REO Speed Wagon Truck, 1958 Thunderbird Convertible, 1960 Chevy Impala, 1969 Dodge Charger General Lee, 1975 Pinto Runabout, 1976 Harley Davidson 1200 “Elvis’ Cycle,” 1980 Trinton Prototype “Domino’s Pizza Car,” and the 1994 Dodge Viper, among many others. Get a feel for what you’ll be able to see during your visit to Murdo this summer.

Also available on the new website is a preview into some of the other attractions at the Pioneer Auto Show, including the diner, the WNAX Gas Station, the prairie town, the nostalgic collectibles, and other attractions. Download a coupon for the family to use while visiting Pioneer Auto Show and download the kids’ scavenger hunt map to give them a real treat while visiting. Learn a little bit about the history of the Pioneer Auto Show and how it came to be, and read some of the latest news and media articles that Pioneer Auto Show has appeared in.

Explore the new website a bit and let us know what you think! Be sure to take a look at our Trip Advisor page and leave us a review when you visit. We look forward to seeing you in Murdo!

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